Big Rock

Traditional Ale Golden Ticket

Big Rock has placed 50 golden tickets in specially marked cases of our 12 can and 15 can Traditional Ale cases.

Each golden ticket is worth $100. Pick up a case and see if you are one of the lucky winners!


This promotion is subject to Rules and Regulations

All participants must be legal drinking age.

Promotion ends on June 30, 2020.

There is no purchase necessary to enter this contest.  To enter without purchase, please click the link for entry instructions. Click Here


Did you find a golden ticket!

Please email with the following information:

  1. Subject line: Golden Ticket Winner
  2. Your Name
  3. Your Address
  4. Confirmation of Legal Drinking Age
  5. Where you bought the Traditional Ale pack
  6. What pack size you bought. 12 or 15 can.
  7. The code on the Golden Ticket
  8. A picture of the Golden Ticket
  9. Proof of age.*
  10. A picture of you holding the Golden Ticket for social media. **

We will get back to you with a skill-testing question.  Once you complete that, we will send you your prize!



* This information will be kept confidential and is only used to prove legal drinking age.

** We will get your email consent before posting the picture.